Kevin Lertwachara

Contact Information
Phone: 805-756-1302
Dr. Lertwachara has done extensive research on technology-based innovation in retail services, electronic commerce, online social networks, and health care informatics. Some of his recent scholarly work includes research on electronic health records, peer-to-peer computing, online digital content and copyright issues, online retailing, and Web 2.0. His research has been internationally recognized and published in leading academic journals and conferences such as Management Science, Journal of Law and Economics, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Management Information Systems, and Decision Support Systems. He has also interacted closely with the business community. In 2007, he was selected by the Boeing Company as a Welliver faculty fellow where he conducted workshops on knowledge management and online collaboration. He was also invited as a visiting scholar to conduct research on online retailing at Brock University, Canada in 2008.
He received the Orfalea College’s Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award in 2009. His teaching interests and professional expertise include application development in Microsoft.NET and open source platforms, database design and management, Business Intelligence, and operations management. Kevin also served as Management Area Chair in the Orfalea College of Business.
Dr. Lertwachara received his Ph.D. in Operations and Information Management from the University of Connecticut. He earned his MBA with an emphasis in Management Information Systems from Westminster College. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with a minor in Computer Engineering from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Thailand.