Li Dang

Contact Information
Phone: 805-756-2987
Dr. Li Dang is a professor in the accounting area at Orfalea College of Business.
Dr. Dang’s primary teaching interest is in financial accounting. She has taught principles of accounting, intermediate accounting, financial analysis, managerial accounting and accounting information systems. Prior to joining the faculty at Cal Poly, Dr. Dang has taught at Oregon State University and Drexel University at both graduate and undergraduate levels. She received the KPMG Outstanding Educator Award in 2011.
Dr. Dang’s research interests lie in the areas of audit quality, earnings quality and accounting information systems. She is especially interested in empirically exploring factors such as audit quality, cultural issues, and IT investments and their effects on usefulness of financial accounting information. Dr. Dang has published research papers in quality academic journals including Journal of Information Systems, The Review of Accounting and Finance, and etc.
Dr. Dang received her Ph.D. in accounting from Drexel University, where she held a Drexel Fellowship and received an Excellent in Teaching Award as a graduate student.