Sakif Rahman

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Rahman is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Orfalea College of Business. His research interests are in the areas of empirical corporate and household finance, banking, fintech and experimental finance.

He received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Rochester Simon School of Business, where he also earned a Master of Science in Business Administration – Applied Economics. He also received undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Financial Economics with Honors from the University of Rochester.

His current work focuses on the role of regulation in automated mortgage underwriting in impacting household credit access and the real economy as well as understanding the behavior of retail traders in financial brokerages through experiments. His work has been recognized as Best Paper Semifinalist at the Financial Management Association (FMA) as well as showcased in other prestigious conferences and workshops, including the American Finance Association (AFA), Sydney Banking and Financial Stability (SBFC) conference, Academy of Behavior Finance, Advances with Field Experiments, Behavioral and Experimental Economics and Finance Workshop, Australia Conference of Economists and Experimental Finance Conference. Dr. Rahman currently teaches Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.