One of nine children growing up, Katherine Johnson (Business Administration, ’81, Concentration in Accounting) had to support herself through college — working 40 hours a week her senior year — which limited her social activities.
As we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, the Student Services crew reached out to several Latinx alumni who have had an impact at their workplaces and asked them to share their college experiences and offer advice to current and future underrepresented students.
Hundreds of students, freshmen and transfer students new to the Orfalea College of Business, participated in a welcome session put on by improv group On Your Feet.
At the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, students represent low-income clients involved in tax controversies before the IRS and the U.S. Tax Court and help provide tax education to the community all free of charge.
Adam Stowe (Marketing, ’97) became general manager of the struggling San Luis Obispo Blues baseball team in 2012. Now profits accompany larger crowds eager to enjoy the familiar sights and sounds of a beloved summer sport.
Both of Katya Vasilaky’s careers, first as a dancer with the San Francisco Ballet and then as an assistant professor of economics, were strongly influenced by her Ukrainian roots.
Students in Cal Poly’s Industrial Technology and Packaging program, which is the only one of its kind in a U.S. business school, are encouraged to explore sustainable packaging.