Ziemowit Bednarek

Contact Information
Email: zbednare@calpoly.edu
Phone: 805-756-2336
Dr. Bednarek obtained his Ph.D. in Finance at the University of California, Berkeley in 2010 and subsequently worked as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Melbourne through July 2012. He holds a Master of Science from the University of California, Berkeley and two Master of Science Degrees from the Warsaw School of Economics.
His current research spans both the empirical corporate finance and asset pricing. In some of his recent articles he studies the quantitative aspects of portfolio performance measurement, firms’ timing of debt issuance, and common factors impacting the housing market in the US. His previous research was focused on how technology growth and innovation create value in companies.
Dr. Bednarek has been teaching since 2005, first at the University of California, Berkeley, then at the University of Melbourne and currently at the Orfalea College of Business at Cal Poly SLO. The classes he taught include: Investment Management, Corporate Finance, Financial Decision Making, Advanced Corporate Finance, Managerial Finance, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, and others at both the undergraduate and graduate levels (MBA, Master of Management, Master of Applied Finance).