How should you finance your trip?

To view the extensive list of available scholarships offered through the International Center, please visit under “Financial Aid & Scholarship.” Read through the information thoroughly and check what types of Financial Aid and scholarships are available for the program you are considering.  The International Center staff and Financial Aid office can help get you on the right track once you pick a program and determine your Financial Aid eligibility.

Pro Tips:

  • Review the Study Abroad Financial Aid Worksheet PDF below
  • Complete the FAFSA by the March 2nd deadline prior to the year you go abroad
  • Review the list of scholarships and choose 3 – 5 you want to apply for
  • Total cost varies widely depending on program, location, and length. Although many programs are pricey, there are plenty of programs that are comparable to or less than the cost of going to Cal Poly. Make sure to do your homework!

If you are planning to go abroad in summer, remember that Summer Financial Aid is limited to your remaining eligibility from the prior year

Study Abroad Financial Aid Worksheet Study Abroad Scholarship Worksheet

Student Highlight

USAC, Prague

Brenna study abroad
Hi, my name is Brenna and I studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic in Fall 2016 with USAC. I initially chose this program based on the affordability, since the program is a non-profit organization. I also applied and received the USAC scholarship, Orfalea scholarship, Cal Poly International Center scholarship, and other various abroad scholarships for students studying abroad in Eastern Europe. My program allowed me to receive more credit than I typically would during a Cal Poly fall quarter by taking 4 semester unit courses. Overall, since I am an out-of-state student who pays per Cal Poly unit, I was actually able to save money studying abroad! I recommend students who hold their own financial responsibility look into affordable programs in locations that have a good exchange rate and apply for scholarships!